Audit - Risk Plan - Store SoftExpert
TreinamentosEADEAD SoftExpert Auditoria

EAD SoftExpert Auditoria

Product description

The SoftExpert Audit - Risk Plan training begins with an introduction to the topic and covers audit categories and assessment criteria.

Participants learn how to include audits, plan and execute audit processes effectively.

Specification - Cat. Trainings
13 minutes
Program content
Course Objective

Upon completion of the training, the user will be able to carry out the process of executing a planned audit with scope, in risk plans.


• Introduction
• Audit category
• Evaluation criteria
• Audit inclusion
• Audit planning
• Audit execution

*The course will be available for access, review and completion for 90 days from the date the access information is sent.

*Upon completion of the training you will receive a Course Completion Certificate.

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