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Residual risk calculation - Store SoftExpert
TreinamentosEADEAD Formula for automatic calculation of residual risk
EAD Formula for automatic calculation of residual risk
Product description
The SoftExpert Risk training – Creating a formula for automatic calculation of residual risk begins with an introduction to the topic and the Risk Component Formula Editor. Participants learn how to construct formulas to calculate the probability and impact of residual risk and how to apply these formulas in the context of risk plans.
Course Objective Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: • Use the SoftExpert Suite formula editor • Understand how the automatic calculation of the residual risk present in the General Parameters of the Risk component is done • Parameterize formulas for automated calculation of residual scores • Use customized formulas in different risk management contexts
Content • Introduction • Risk Component Formula Editor • Construction of the Probability Formula for residual risk • Construction of the Impact Formula for residual risk • Application of formulas in the context of risk plans
Duration 28 minutes
*The course will be available for access, review and completion for 90 days from the date the access information is sent. *Upon completion of the training you will receive a Course Completion Certificate.