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ESG Materiality Assessment - Store SoftExpert
TreinamentosEADEAD Materiality matrix in the implementation of ESG
EAD Materiality matrix in the implementation of ESG
Product description
The SoftExpert Quiz training – How to prepare a materiality matrix in the implementation of ESG covers the introduction to the topic and the definition of relevant topics and materials. Participants learn how to create stakeholder questionnaires and a standard questionnaire, as well as how to plan and execute the form. The course also includes collecting responses and creating an analysis dashboard to consult the data obtained.
Course Objective Upon completing this course, students will learn that the materiality matrix requires considering the company's internal and external stakeholders . This will allow communication to be cross-cutting and based on sustainability-related topics and the impacts that these topics can generate in the medium and long term.
Content • Introduction • Definition of themes and materials • Creation of questionnaires for stakeholders • Creation of standard questionnaire • Questionnaire planning • Execution of the form and response to the questionnaire • Consultation and creation of analysis panel
Duration 14 minutes
*The course will be available for access, review and completion for 90 days from the date the access information is sent. *Upon completion of the training you will receive a Course Completion Certificate.