Project Performance Indicators - Store SoftExpert
TreinamentosEADEAD Project indicators with SoftExpert Performance

EAD Project indicators with SoftExpert Performance

Product description

This course aims to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the integration between the SoftExpert Project and SoftExpert Performance tools and of how indicators can be used to measure the performance of projects managed with the Waterfall Model, also known as the classic method, which is a form of project management that uses long-planning, sequential phases of projects with fixed costs, scope, and schedule.

Course objective
The objective of this course is to contribute to users of SoftExpert's project management and performance tools, who wish to improve their project management skills with the lateral methodology and learn how to use the integration between the SoftExpert Project and SoftExpert Performance tools effectively.

• Introduction
• Creating a project
• Creating indicators
• Planning a scorecard and associating indicators
• Creating a SoftExpert Analytics analysis
• Project monitoring and control

20 minutes

*The course will be available for access, review, and completion for 90 days from the date the access information is sent.
*Upon completion of the training, you will receive a Certificate of course completion.

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