Project Management (PMBOK) - Store SoftExpert
TreinamentosEADEAD SoftExpert PPM - Project Management based on PMBOK

EAD SoftExpert PPM - Project Management based on PMBOK

Product description

This course has been developed so that users, based on knowledge about project management, its techniques, skills and knowledge required for it, as well as good management practices proposed by PMBOK, can use SoftExpert Suite, in the PPM solution, to obtain satisfactory management results.
The course will cover the creation of essential information for project management, its execution and monitoring, using the SoftExpert Project, Time Control, Document, and Analytics components.

Course objective
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
• Initially create a plan
• Understand the functionalities of a project schedule, within the Project component
• Create a project schedule
• Understand the process of creating a plan through functionalities of the project data screen
• Execute a plan
• Execute the activities contained within a plan
• Monitor, track, and control the a project performance
• Perform a project closure
• Issue and view the plan “Status report”

• Introduction
• Planning
o Initial creation
o Schedule
o Project Data
• Project Execution
• Monitoring and control
• Closure

45 minutes

25 minutes

*The course will be available for access, review, and completion for 90 days from the date the access information is sent.
*Upon completion of the training, you will receive a Certificate of course completion.
*****Course not yet available in your language, if interested write to:***

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