Termination or Contractual Amendment Request Streamline your organization's contract change management and improve operational efficiency.Learn more!
ACR Maintenance with SAP PM and SE Agile and automated maintenance management with root cause analysis and actions!Learn more!
Emission Management with GHG Protocol Understand, quantify and manage your GHG emissions (Greenhouse Gases). And, achieve the competition and transparency.Learn more!
Service Desk Optimize your Support team's services and increase your customers' satisfaction.Learn more!
Water and Wastewater Management Contribute to environmental practices, optimize water use and reduce your costs.Learn more!
EAD SoftExpert Risk- Control Test Creation of checklists and control test plans.Find out more about the course
LIVE SoftExpert Document Management Learn how to manage your documents from creation to archiving.Find out more about the course
LIVE SoftExpert BPM Beginner Learn how to model and automate processes and make your company more efficient and agile.Find out more about the course