We have created an accessible
environment for you to learn
on your own way and in
your time!

SoftExpert training was created with the objective of delivering
quality content to any person sho seeks to develop
with our solutions.

We are another resource that SoftExpert makes available to
its clients, employees and consultants!

What do we offer?

An exclusive portal do our Infinity clients with access to more than 170 courses about our solutions in three different languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Our courses are updated constantly and there is no deadline for users within the contract period.

SoftExpert Training in Numbers

+ than 9000 students

We have reached more than 9000 students in several countries and positions: leaders, managers, administrators, IT professionals and final users.

Quem somos - Treinamentos

+ 170 courses

We have produced more than 170 courses about our solutions, such as: BPM, CPM, EAM, ECM, EHSM, EQM, ITSM, among others.

Quem somos - Idiomas

3 languages

Our trainings’ portal has accessible courses at any moment in three languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish